Mia DanielleĀ Blog

Drastically Minimize Kid Clutter with These 3 Simple Tips

Let’s be real, I teach about clutter-free living, and I STILL have to deal with clutter from my crafty kids.

My youngest pre-teen gets...

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How To Find Freedom In Reduction (Reduce Clutter In Your Life)

You know how freedom feels- snow days, walking out the doors to leave a job you hate, sleeping in under the cool sheets with the sun dancing across...

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5 Ways To Conquer 'I Can't Declutter': Overcome Limited Beliefs Around Clutter

Tried and failed to achieve lasting order within your home? Practiced the experts' decluttering tips yet are still stuck in a room...

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A 10-point checklist for managing clutter in your home

When going through all of your dusty clutter seems way too heavy and impossible it really helps to have a plan in place. That’s exactly the...

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When Do You Have Enough With Minimalism?

There's a whole spectrum of lifestyles between drowning in clutter and living out of a backpack.

For the majority of us, neither of those...

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How I Went From Thrift Shop Junkie to Having a Minimalist Wardrobe

I think a lot of times people who see blogs that talk about organizing, decluttering, and having a minimalist wardrobe believe they’re...

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Some Pretty Cool Minimalism Benefits Kids | Mia Danielle

When I share that I blog about minimalism, one of the most common responses I get is something along the lines of “Oh that sounds nice but I...

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4 Key Components Of Holistic And Supportive Spaces

One thing that I’m pretty adamant about is that clutter = lack of clarity. You have to be intentional about the purposes of your home spaces...

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How to Kick The Junk Drawers and Clutter Hotspots

You declutter like a maniac, but these clutter hotspots still emerge like roaches.

The dining table that everyone uses as a catchall, the junk...

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The Ultimate Guide To Decluttering Papers

After years of working with students to tackle their clutter, I can confidently say that decluttering papers is hands-down one of the biggest...

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Adapting to Living with Less: A Transformative Journey

Learning to live with less is a process that doesn’t happen overnight for most people. For some, the act of consistently shedding and...

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5 Simple Routines to Keep Down Family Clutter

Today, I'm sharing my top 5 clutter-busting simple routines that the whole family can follow to reduce family clutter. Having solid (and simple)...

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Learning to Declutter Isn't Enough

I spend a lot of time teaching you how to declutter areas of your home, and I do believe that it's a necessary step for you to take to create a...

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Living a Minimalist Life: the #1 Key To Success

Everybody wants a shortcut; it’s human nature. So learning to declutter in order to achieve living a minimalist life seems like it should be...

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How To Declutter Your Wardrobe With 10 Simple Questions

Do you have an abundance of clothes suffocating your closet and clogging up your wardrobe? It can be really hard to declutter clothes. So, here...

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The Best Way to Declutter Your Bedroom - in 10 Steps

Oh man, I was looking at an article the other day about how to declutter your bedroom, and almost every suggestion was related to some purchasable...

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Getting Started With Minimalism: 3 Beneficial Steps

You've been looking at sleek images of office spaces free from piles of paper and empty coffee mugs, and kitchen counters so sparse that the light...

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THIS is Why You Have So Much Clutter (The Bad, The Ugly, & The Truth)

Something that irritates me beyond belief is when a person acts defeated prematurely.

Here’s a small example. I love Matt to death, but if...

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7 Lies About Decluttering And Minimalism That Are Keeping You Stuck

Let’s clear the air of some of the myths and misconceptions and general lies about decluttering and minimalism. When I ask about barriers to...

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20 Lies About Clutter We Tell Ourselves

Let’s be honest—clutter isn’t just about the stuff piling up on your countertops or the shoes you trip over on the way to the...

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