Use The Law Of Attraction To Declutter Space | Manifest Minimalism

holistic spaces Nov 07, 2023
Things I Only Own One Of | Minimalism

You have things you want to do, accomplish, experience, and be in your life. And while there’s no shortage of information, self-improvement, and inspirational content available to absorb, your most powerful asset in achieving the life you want is all around you every day – your home.

What if I told you there’s a way to declutter your home to attract more of the things you want to see, manifest, or experience inside of your life? Some might call this a Law of Attraction to declutter.

Now, to me, this is a big part of creating supportive spaces, which I am all about. It’s so important that you don’t just create empty clutter-free spaces, but intentional supportive spaces. That includes supporting the life you want to live and the goals that you’re trying to achieve.

What Do You Mean By A “Law Of Attraction To Declutter”?

Maybe you’ve heard about the Law of Attraction. It’s based on the idea that everything is energy (in the spiritual sense) and that like attracts like.

What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures, and words, you manifest in your life.

Catherine Ponder

Science might look at this as a chain of actions leading to cause and effect. Psychology would probably say that it’s based on beliefs and behaviors – that you tend to reinforce what you focus on mentally. Then you take action toward that thing, bringing it to fruition. (A self-fulfilling prophecy, if you will).

Whether you openly accept things like manifestation and the Law of Attraction or you think it’s all hogwash, leaning toward a more pragmatic mindset, I think that all types of people can agree that there’s something to the idea that what you focus on is what you tend to get more of. Or, as I like to say, “what you feed, grows.”

I‘m going to show you three main ways you can use these principles of the Law of Attraction to declutter. This will help you create spaces inside your home (your core environment) to aid you in attracting more of what you desire.

#1. Focus On What You DO Want More Of Instead Of What You Don’t Want – And Declutter The Rest.

This rule is true of both your space and your life. You want to focus on the “do” (the positive), what we want to draw to ourselves, versus what we don’t want. Some in the spiritual community like to say, “thoughts are frequencies,” and the universe will match your frequency (or vibration).

If you think about positive (“high-vibration”) things, then the universe will match that by giving you more high-vibration things. On the contrary, if you focus on negative, worried, “low vibration” things, you’ll receive more low vibration results. Essentially, you get what you focus on.

Focused on being broke and constantly worrying about money? You’ll likely stay broke. If you’re focused on running late, you’re more likely to run late.

From a more psychological standpoint, you can think of it as a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, you’re attending a social event and are worried that people won’t talk to you and it’ll be awkward. So much so, that when you show up, you feel awkward. You feel stressed and out of your element. This causes you to come off in a way that makes other people not come and talk to you. We do this in all different facets of our life. We focus on things and we bring those things into existence through our actions.

What you feed grows.

This is something I tell my students (especially as it relates to building new habits or maintaining inspiration) when they’re trying to make changes in their homes. What you feed grows. The things you keep top of mind and give your focus to will flourish and grow inside your life. What you focus on, meditate on, and think about MAGNIFIES, meaning that it becomes larger than everything else.

That’s why it’s incredibly important that you get crystal clear on what you DO want. Then, focus on that, and focus on that, and focus on that….and then you declutter everything that isn’t in line with what you want.

Applying it in real life

If you want a new relationship, let go of the old one first. That means, releasing your ex’s old hoodie and love letters to make space for the next person. If you want more clients for your business, clear out your filing cabinet and go through your emails to make space for new clientele. If you want to present yourself differently, declutter your closet of everything that’s not in line with the version of yourself you want to show up as.

When I’m teaching my students to declutter their homes, I never start by focusing on the individual items of clutter. I always ask that they zoom out first and look at the overall purpose and vision of the space.

One of the most effective ways to effortlessly call something into your life is to just create some empty space. Let’s say you want to find your soulmate, but your schedule is jam-packed with business meetings and events. You need to first create some space inside your schedule to give that person a chance to find you.

You can’t manifest something new if there’s no space for it. For example, you can’t manifest more romance if your bed is covered in the laundry all the time. And you can’t manifest more family dinners if there’s not a cleared dining table to share a meal at. Your ambitions of becoming an artist aren’t going to happen if there’s no dedicated area for your practice.

You have to create space for what you want more of the inside of your life.

#2. Get Your Space Into Alignment.

Clutter is highly symbolic. It really symbolizes what you are willing to tolerate inside of your life. I’ve said it before, “your environment is a reflection of your mind.” Your mind is the projector and your environment is the projection. Your environment will only display what the projector is projecting.

That’s why when you’re stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed, your environment looks chaotic and overwhelming. When you’re feeling depressed, your environment looks sad and heavy – often like it’s falling apart.

The feedback loop.

But it’s also a feedback loop because your environment then influences your mind and thoughts. It can make you feel calmer, more inspired, and happier. It can interrupt the negative cycle of the feedback loop. I feel overwhelmed–> so my environment looks overwhelming–>so I feel overwhelmed. If you interrupt the cycle by making positive changes in your environment, that can immediately influence your energy and thought patterns.

If your surroundings are energizing and positive, you’re more likely to operate in what the spiritual community calls a “higher frequency”. You’ll attract or manifest better things with less effort. From a psychological standpoint, having positive surroundings in your habitat will directly impact your energy. You’ll feel calmer, more energized, or more inspired, which will impact your actions and, inevitably, your results.

Use the Law of Attraction to declutter and support the RIGHT version of yourself.

So, to use this “Law of Attraction to declutter” method, you also want to make sure that your space supports the version of YOURSELF that you are trying to be. Make sure it isn’t stagnant and keeping you attached to the old – the old ways of doing things, old routines, old relationships, old sentiments, things that are keeping you stuck. That won’t serve you while you’re trying to grow in a new direction.

#3. Create A Vacuum For Better Things.

I have a quote from an article that I wrote (The 3 Most Important Reasons to Ditch The Clutter) that says:

Sometimes new ideas sprout that you hadn’t even thought of because you didn’t have the capacity until you made the space.

The truth is, a lot of times we simply don’t know what amazing things are going to come when we create space for them. We don’t know what changes will come or when inspiration will hit. But I’ve seen people come into that inspiration and create whole new chapters of their lives just by making the space first. Let go of the old stagnant clutter and create a clear space for something new. You can’t manifest something new if there is no space for it.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

There’s a saying, “nature abhors a vacuum.” Basically, this means that removing the “old” creates a vacuum for something new. Now, some people use this literally – like if you remove the old toaster that requires a butter knife to push down the lever, then you’ve created space for a new toaster to replace it.

And sure, I’ve seen this happen before, but sometimes you don’t need something else to come in. Sometimes the space IS the new thing that belongs there. You clear a room out in your home and all of a sudden you have the space to think. Those thoughts turn into inspiration, and that inspiration turns into a whole new trajectory in your life.

You just never know what will happen when you create a space for something new. This is another reason why I focus on HOLISTIC Clutter FREE SPACES as opposed to bare and cold spaces. If you want to know how to do that, then check out my ‘Holistic Clutter-Free Formula’ masterclass for free! 👇


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