My Minimalist Morning Routine / Slow Mornings

minimalism Nov 08, 2023
My Minimalist Morning Routine / Slow Mornings

Hey everyone! Today, I want to share my minimalist morning routine with you all. I am not a morning person. I don’t get up at the crack of dawn or 5 am. But one thing that I do allow myself every morning is to have at least 15 minutes to just zone out and stare out the window.

My Minimalist Morning Routine

This is my slow morning routine from a non-early riser. If you like the slow vibes of a simple minimalist morning routine, enjoy!

#1. Hygiene

I like letting my brain wake up naturally before getting up to brush my teeth and start my day. I’m a big fan of muslin cloths for my face and love to use them to wipe the sleep from my eyes before even turning on the lights. 🙂 


#2. Hydrate (and play with Charlie)

After doing my morning hygiene routine, I always go straight for the water. I’m always really thirsty when I wake up. Drinking water first thing in the morning makes me feel good and helps me to wake up faster. 

By this time, my pup, Charlie is begging for her own morning routine to start so, I do a combo where I feed her and make myself a coffee at the same time (her food bowl is right next to the coffee pot so this works well!). Usually, by the time I’m finished making my coffee, Charlie will have just finished eating her food and then we’ll go outside.
Outside time is where Charlie and I both really wake up while she runs around with the stick and I acclimate to the weather of the day.


#3. Makeup (if doing so)

I don’t usually wear makeup, maybe 1 to 2 times a week on recording days. Even on the days that I do wear makeup, I don’t usually wear much. I like to keep the foundation pretty light and stick to one color palette for my eyeshadow and eyeliner. I discuss some of the products that I like in my makeup decluttering post.

Some days I enjoy putting on makeup and I’ll invest a little more time in it; other days I keep it super simple. Either way, it only takes me 5-10 minutes.


#4. Yoga (on good days)

Before I dive into work full-on I like to do my morning yoga to get my body and mind in the right place. But before I do that I’ll check in with my team, take a quick look at my emails, and answer any urgent questions or comments that need my attention.

In the past, I’ve mentioned the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene. Her videos are awesome and always have me feeling more focused and relaxed. It makes my body feel good for the rest of the day before I really dive into work and am hunched over a laptop. 🙂


#5. Food

I’m not usually hungry in the morning. Most days, I end up grabbing a breakfast type of food around lunchtime. Lately, I’ve been really into blueberry muffins but it’s rarely the same food from day to day. 


#6. Make the bed (tbh, not every day)

I know … weird that I wait this long to make my bed. That’s not always the case, but more often than not I like to give my body a chance to wake up and be more alert before I start doing physical things. Regardless of when I make the bed, I always make sure the covers are pulled up in the morning so that Charlie doesn’t get on the sheets!

If you’ve been here long enough, you’d know I’m a big fan of time batching. That means I try to finish everything in one space (or one type of task) before moving on to something new. So, on the days that I work in the office area upstairs where the bed is (rather than downstairs in the living room), I tend to make the bed later when I go back up for work.

#7. Work

The last step of my minimalist morning routine is to dive into work. I have a couple of different office spaces to choose from (although I have no dedicated office room) and like to change things up so that I stay alert while working.

So, that’s me but I’d love to hear from you. What’s your morning routine look like?


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