Clearing Out Your Home To Gain A New Fresh Start

minimalism Nov 07, 2023
Clearing Out Your Home To Gain A New Fresh Start

One of the most incredible aspects of your home is the power it holds in your mind. Regardless of the size of your house or the price tag on your belongings, what you surround yourself with on a daily basis becomes a part of you. That’s why clearing out your home is key for a fresh start.

In fact, our homes are like storybooks. They tell the story of who we are, how we love, and what we do. If you can tell a lot about a person by their trash, imagine how much you can tell by the things they keep.

But just like in life, you can adjust your story and choose a fresh beginning. After all, you don’t want to be the leading actor/actress in your own life, you want to be the director.

Who Are You Ready To Become?

A while back I wrote an article on ‘How to Set The Right Kind of Goals and Achieve Them’. I explained that success isn’t about changing our behavior, it’s about changing our identity. In other words, it’s not about what we do as much as who we are.

You’re reading this article for a reason. It isn’t just because you want to clean your house. I have tons of other articles on that. You’re here because you’re craving a fresh start in some area of your life. My two favorite words when placed side by side are “begin again”.

However, only you know who it is you’re wanting to become. Are you wanting to become a finisher- someone who finishes projects and follows through with things? Do you want to become a peaceful person- letting go of old pain and tension? Get real and clear with yourself on the life you want to create.

You can go deeper into ‘How to Create Intentional Living Spaces And Know Your Purposes’ in the linked article.

Out With The Old, In With The New.

People from your past.

Probably the most painful type of clutter that causes us to lose sight of who we currently are is reminders from old relationships. This could be family members you’ve fallen out of favor with, friends who rejected you, or old coworkers who never saw your potential.

That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with those people. It’s just that the role you used to play in that dynamic doesn’t fit with who you are anymore. Nothing can keep you from progressing like old versions of yourself.

Take this to the digital realm as well. Chances are you probably need to thin out your social media connections. I do this periodically because, although I’m not on my personal social media account often, when I do decide to check up on things I don’t want to be sent into some strange downward spiral.

Truth be told, I had a very hard time connecting to people until adulthood. My mother was pretty antisocial and I had social anxiety growing up as well. So, sure there are many relationships I wish I had handled differently or nurtured more now that I’m an adult.

That time in my life has passed and I’m happier for it. Dwelling or reliving some of the most awkward times in my life is pointless and I know to keep that stuff out. Make space for new people by flushing old memorabilia from your home and your tech. Your mind will grow new neural pathways bringing new ways of feeling and thinking if you let it.  

Old projects.

Have you assessed the projects that are actually bringing you a solid return? The return could be anything that you see as holding value such as joy or money. Assess what has been giving you positive results over the past year and what has been draining your resources.

In order to create a fresh start, you need to be willing to shift your focus and devote your resources of time, energy, space, and possibly money in new directions. If nothing changes, then nothing changes.

In doing so, you’ll be ready to clear out all remnants of old projects, even if nothing is wrong with the pieces. If you have equipment that accompanies a hobby or project that you won’t be continuing then sell or donate those items.

Remember, your space isn’t free. You pay a certain amount of money for every square foot of your living area. If you’re ready to let something go then you should feel confident in letting go of the belongings that accompany that thing rather than storing it away somewhere.

A new perspective.

With each passing year, our perspective slightly expands or adjusts as we gain more years of life experience. This is normal and it should happen. Don’t hold so tightly to old ways of thinking that you reject any growth.

A fresh start is really only possible with a fresh perspective and mindset. There’s great news, though. Because of the power of your environment on your mind and energy, you can assist in the process of transforming your perspective by transforming your environment.

Removing piles of clutter, freeing storage, moving furniture to make new space, letting in new light angles, and removing old belongings that don’t support who you are now- all aid in a fresh perspective and newfound focus.

Clearing out your home so that your house is telling the right story really is the first step in curating a fresh start.



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